Eye-Fi Pro X2 8 GB Class 6 SDHC Wireless Flash Memory Card EYE-FI-8PC

Eye-Fi Flash Memory Easy install on PC

Eye-Fi Flash Memory Easy install on PC

Just received this yesterday and spent 2+ hours playing with it and figuring out how it works. Running Win7 on the PC and Android on my SmartPhone and Samsung Tablet. My objective with this purchase was to allow me to automate the moving of pictures from my nice (but older) 

 Lumix camera. Well, the 1st problem was that my older camera can only handle a 2gb card, not 4gb (my fault for not checking). Anyway, the product comes with a very small getting started guide. I would suggest going to the web site and grabbing a full sized version. The PC installation went very well and it defaulted to having the card update on the computer. It took a little work to figure out how to connect it to my network. Seems like that would have been part of the installation steps, but it was not. I installed the 

Android version on my phone and followed the instructions, but could not get it to switch from updating the computer to updating the phone instead. I finally thought that it might be related to the fact that it was still on the home network so I shut off my home router temporarily. After that, it took a few minutes, but it finally starting updating to the phone. So bottom line, it is working as expected and if you are only going to update to your computer, installation is pretty straight forward. Since I can't use it with my older camera, 

I am using it with a new, smaller camera that I already had. Not really meeting the objective, but my fault, not the product.
Eye-Fi Flash Memory Easy install on PC
